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Kanisha Acharya-Patel Ryan Oxner Kanisha Acharya-Patel Ryan Oxner

Summer Student Series 2020: Kanisha Acharya-Patel

This summer, I had the opportunity to complete a 12-week internship with the East Coast Environmental Law Association, funded by the Schulich School of Law’s Academic Excellence Fund for Internships. I had the pleasure of working under the supervision of Lisa Mitchell, and my work this summer focused mostly on aquaculture regulation in Nova Scotia. My interest in environmental law and policy is what pushed me to apply to the Schulich School of Law and ultimately to reach out to East Coast Environmental Law for this summer internship opportunity. I value the work that this organization does, and I wanted to further my educational and professional development in the field of environmental law.

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Laura Graham Ryan Oxner Laura Graham Ryan Oxner

Summer Student Series 2020: Laura Graham

Summer 2020 has certainly been an odd summer. One thing that COVID-19 has not changed, however, is the increasing risk to coastal areas of Nova Scotia as a result of sea level rise and storm surge from climate change. Despite the pandemic, I was lucky enough to be one of East Coast Environmental Law’s summer student interns this year—safely, from a distance—and focused my work broadly on coastal issues.

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Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup

A New Phase

When I started law school four years ago, I knew that I wanted to study environmental law and human rights. I also knew that I wanted to develop skills, strength, and power that would help me to fight for and with vulnerable communities that needed capable allies in the face of environmental and climate injustice.

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