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Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup

“Special Interests” Rhetoric and the Importance of Government Transparency and Accountability in Nova Scotia

Coming together in unity and solidarity doesn’t necessarily mean that we’ll agree on everything all the time, but, if we can embrace respectful dialogue on the decisions that matter to all Nova Scotians, I have no doubt that our collective courage, goodwill, and resilience will shine through.

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Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup Tina Northrup Kostantina Northrup

Tailoring Federal Assessment Processes to Advance Sustainability: A Reflection on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Opinion in the Impact Assessment Act Reference

On October 13, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) released its opinion in a reference case that examined the constitutionality of the federal Impact Assessment Act (“IAA”) and Physical Activities Regulations. The opinion of the majority—shared by five of the seven Supreme Court Justices who considered the case—is that the impact assessment process established by the IAA and Physical Activities Regulations is unconstitutional in part.

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Tina Northrup, Chris Ortenburger Kostantina Northrup Tina Northrup, Chris Ortenburger Kostantina Northrup

Why Legislate Environmental Rights on Prince Edward Island: Part One

On April 8, 2021, Bill 108—a proposed Environmental Bill of Rights—was introduced to Prince Edward Island’s Legislative Assembly. The bill was tabled as a Private Member’s Bill by Lynne Lund, Green MLA for Summerside-Wilmot and party Critic for Environment, Water, Climate Change and Green Development. If it were enacted as tabled, the bill would create substantive and procedural environmental rights for all residents of Prince Edward Island.

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