East Coast Environmental Law

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Metz Farms 2 Ltd. v. Committee Against Hog Factories, 2000 CanLII 7744 (NB QB)

This case was heard in the New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench (Trial Division). 

After Metz Farms 2 ("Metz") secured a license to dispose of manure from its pig farm on lands in Kent County, New Brunswick, concerned community members began protesting. Metz applied for an interim injunction that would prevent the protesters from interfering with its employees’ ability to travel public roads in the area. After considering the relevant law as well as the actions of the protestors, the Court granted the injunction.

To read about later decisions related to this case, go to Metz Farms 2 Ltd. v. Committee Against Hog Factories, 2000 CanLII 6105 (NB QB) and Metz Farms 2 Ltd. v. Committee Against Hog Factories, 2001 NBCA 11 (CanLII).

View the Decision on CanLII: https://www.canlii.org/en/nb/nbqb/doc/2000/2000canlii7744/2000canlii7744.html

Case briefs in our Resource Library are drafted by law students who work or volunteer with East Coast Environmental Law, and East Coast Environmental Law does not guarantee their fullness or accuracy. Library users should not rely on case briefs as comprehensive accounts of the issues, facts, reasoning, or outcomes at stake in any given case. 

If you require more detailed information about a court decision or legal issue, please consider using our Environmental Law Inquiry Service to request information from our staff.