Industrial Cape Breton Community Alliance Group on the Sable Gas Project v. Sable Offshore Energy Project, 1998 CanLII 8449 (FC)

This case was heard in the Federal Court of Canada.

A Joint Public Review Panel that had been established to review the environmental and socioeconomic effects of projects that had been proposed by Sable Gas determined that socioeconomic analyses were beyond its jurisdiction, and without conducting socioeconomic analyses it recommended that the proposed projects be approved.

The Industrial Cape Breton Community Alliance Group on the Sable Gas Project (“the Alliance”) filed an application for judicial review of the panel’s decision. After filing that application for judicial review, the Alliance learned that the Governor in Council had approved a response to the report that had been issued by the Joint Review Panel. The Alliance then sought to apply for judicial review of the Governor in Council’s decision as well, but it failed to make the application in time. The Alliance then applied for an extension of the deadline.

After considering the merits of the application and the position of the parties, the Court held that there were insufficient grounds to justify an extension, and it dismissed the application.

To read a related decision, go to Industrial Cape Breton Community Alliance Group on the Sable Gas Project v. Sable Offshore Energy Project, 2000 CanLII 16338 (FC).

View the Decision on CanLII:

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Eel Ground Indian Band v. New Brunswick, 1998 CanLII 9813 (NB QB)


Norris v. Lloyd’s of London, 1998 CanLII 12249 (NB CA)