Honouring the Legacy of a Founder, Colleague, and Friend

In mid-September of 2022, East Coast Environmental Law staff and Board members were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our friend and colleague Meinhard Doelle.

Meinhard was a visionary who saw the need for a public-interest environmental law organization in Atlantic Canada and turned that vision into a reality by orchestrating the establishment of East Coast Environmental Law in 2007. He was the first Chair of our Board, and he remained a stalwart supporter and trusted advisor, providing perspective, insight, and encouragement as the organization grew and evolved.

In the days following Meinhard's death, grief pervaded our work. At times, it was difficult to focus. In other moments, projects were a welcome distraction. Like others who were touched by Meinhard's generous spirit, we knew that we will feel his loss for a long time. But, in the midst of our grief and sadness, we also felt a renewed sense of responsibility as we reflected on the legacy that our founder, colleague, and friend left behind. During the difficult days, we took comfort from that sense of purpose, focusing on the vision of a more just and sustainable world that motivated Meinhard to champion the work we do.

Learn more about Meinhard’s Impact and Legacy